SuperSledge: A homemade Nerf Sledgefire, but ahead of it’s time.

This is the SuperSledge. It was one of my first homemade designs, a homemade recreation of the Nerf Sledgefire.

The SuperSledge is an abandoned and unfinished project. If you want to mess around with the files, or print one at your own risk, please visit the SuperSledge GitHub repo.

Please check out the files here

And the full hardware list (all specs) here

No SuperSledge blasters or hardware kits are being sold.

Beta Tester Thanks

Thanks to my beta testers who helped a lot with developing the SuperSledge.

  • Boomstick Mods

  • BansheeIndian

  • Family Foamsport

  • SuperStressed

  • NoobWhoSmackedU

  • Bill from Singapore

  • Nicholas LaPlante

  • CaptainSlug

  • SquiggumsMcDingo

  • Hotkoin

Design Lineage

The SuperSledge was mechanically based on the Sledgefire by Nerf. However, the SuperSledge itself was a fully from-scratch 3d model.

The SuperSledge was abandoned due to pretty serious issues at the core of the design. It would need a full from-scratch redesign to be worthwhile. I have more interesting break action shell ejecting shotguns to work on instead of redoing a bunch of old design work.

Even though the SuperSledge itself was never released as a successful design, its lineage has lived on in all of my newer homemade designs.

The SLAB and SillyPistol were directly spawned from the SuperSledge, as I originally wanted to make a lever action conversion of the SuperSledge called the SuperSling.

The SuperSling was where I both found out that I really wanted to design a lever action blaster, and where I developed the idea of the Turnaroundn’t.

A Turnaroundn’t is essentially a heavily modified Lynx turnaround, where the air doesn’t make a U turn. Instead, it goes forward from the plunger, and is then redirected downward. The air then goes forward again, pushing the dart out the barrel. Sort of like a mag fed RSCB mechanism.

This Turnaroudn’t mechanism was used in the SillyPistol, and later, a few of my AEG experiments, and the Kitsune by NorthEastDesigns.

The SuperSledge’s plunger and catch assembly methods were directly used in the SillyPistol, which was then used in many other designs (SLAB, several AEG experiments, a few mag fed carbine experiments, my 1995 Crossbow replica, the PBR bow, etc etc).

And to top it all off, the SuperSledge was the first blaster I used my “panel” assembly method on. That is, sandwiching all the internals of a blaster between several large printed plates, with pin and screw holes keeping everything together. It is this assembly method that lets my designs use such little hardware, while also being some of the sturdiest designs on the market!

The SuperSledge is the great grandfather of many designs I’ve worked on. Even though the SuperSledge itself was never given the prime time it deserved, it’s lineage has led to many other successful designs!



Party Popper